Charities combine for Time to Talk day
GUERNSEY Mind, Samaritans and Talking Benches Guernsey came together to support this year’s Time to Talk Day this week.

Time to Talk Day was launched in 2014 and is a nationwide event that encourages people to create supportive communities and start conversations with family and friends about mental health.
‘It’s a national campaign encouraging people to check in with their loved ones and an opportunity as an awareness-raiser,’ said Guernsey Mind CEO Jo Cottell.
‘People find it difficult to talk about mental health and this can encourage conversation.’
Samaritans have got involved with the campaign this year as co-director Mary Carre said it fitted with its ethos of providing a non-judgemental listening platform.
‘If people are worried about the impact on their family members from these conversations, the Samaritans can provide a place for people to go to have these conversations,’ she said.
‘It is really important, today is about listening as much as it is talking.’
Sarah Bamford from Talking Benches Guernsey said that reaching out was important and that speaking to people, even if you do not know them, was good for the mental health of yourself and others.
‘If we all go home tonight and have spoken to at least one person we wouldn’t usually speak to then that is great,’ she said.
This annual day also has helped breakdown the stigma around mental health.
‘The taboo around speaking about mental health is beginning to break down,’ said Ms Carre.
‘People have more emotional language now to express themselves,’ added Mrs Cottell.
The three charities will be working together again for a Suicide Journey conference, which includes presentations and training, on 7 and 8 March.
‘The conference is open to anybody,' Mrs Bamford said.
'We want to start the conversation and hopefully bring down the figures.'
n More information on the conference can be found at