Guernsey Press

More than 50 new areas of biodiversity importance

More than 50 new areas of biodiversity importance are set to be created under changes proposed by the Development & Planning Authority.

Last updated
Le Guet is one area which is set to become an area of biodiversity importance. (Picture by Erin Vaudin, 33359679)

But five areas are set to lose their ABI designations.

ABIs recognise the importance of land areas to Guernsey’s biodiversity, but it is not as high importance as a site of special significance.

Surveys of land were carried out in 2019 and 2021, but it has taken time to bring the IDP amendments to the States.

‘While housing is an important component of this work, this review is about much more,’ said DPA president Victoria Oliver.

‘We are also taking steps to support our island’s biodiversity without preventing development from taking place and ensuring there is enough land for Guernsey’s business needs.’

There are a number of changes to existing ABIs, some of which would increase vastly in size under the proposals.

This includes more parts of Delancey Park, land to the east of Villocq estate, woodland behind Sir Charles Frossard House and more land around the Saumarez Park nature trail.

New ABIs include the former tip at Bordeaux and the coastal land to the north of Bordeaux, the Guet, Rue Mainguy Scouts site and Creve Cour beside Mont Cuet.

La Societe nature reserves are set to get extra protection under the plans.

More of the Garenne Nature Reserve could be set to become an ABI, as could La Societe’s orchard on Les Petites Capelles Road.

Land around parish churches in Castel, Forest, St Martin’s, St Peter’s, St Sampson’s, St Saviour’s. Torteval, Vale and St Andrew’s are all set to become ABIs, as well as all of the Foulon cemetery.

A host of quarry sites are set to get ABI status, including Torrey Canyon by Mont Cuet, Brickfields Quarry by Guernsey Water and Ville Baudu Quarry.

Five sites are judged as no longer containing sufficient ecological importance to warrant an ABI designation.

Two are on Fosse Andre, on the boundary of the Normanville dwelling, while another is a field to the north of Colborne Road.

A woodland on Douit Lane, backing on to the Guernsey Indoor Bowls Centre, and two fields to the southeast of the junction between Les Effards Road and Les Grandes Capelles Lane would also lose their ABIs.

ABI designation does not mean a site cannot be developed.

But the biodiversity will have to be taken into account when proposing any development and any harm avoided, where possible.