Guernsey Press

Driver banned for year after hitting 68mph at Northside

A driver recorded travelling at almost three times the 25mph speed limit along Northside, Vale, was one of four people sentenced in the Magistrate’s Court for speeding offences in the area.

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Northside, Vale. (33538347)

The road has been identified by police as a blackspot for speeding in recent months, and Judge Gary Perry told the court he would impose harsher deterrent sentences when appropriate in order to crack down on this recent surge of offences in the area.

A second motorist within a couple of weeks has been convicted for driving at a speed dangerous to the public.

John Le Huray, 19, of Dehus Lane, Vale, was recorded travelling at 68mph in a Mazda RX8 as he approached the Bridge at about 10.05pm one evening in July. He pleaded guilty.

Prosecuting Inspector Russell Johnson told the court that officers carrying out speed checks in the area had initially estimated Le Huray to be travelling at about 50mph as he approached them. A laser device recorded the speed at 68mph.

Inspector Johnson also said that between 10 and 12 people were stood in a nearby car park watching Le Huray at the time.

Defending, Advocate Samuel Steel said no other vehicles were using the road at the time of the offence, and that the area was not residential.

He said his client was apologetic, and recognised that he had been travelling at a dangerous speed.

Judge Perry said the speed was dangerous, and a deterrent sentence was appropriate.

A fine of £800 and a one-year driving ban were imposed.

Daigan Le Pelley, 18, of Chemin des Monts, Rue de la Perruque, Castel, was fined £400 and taken off the roads for three months after admitting riding a motorbike at 51mph in the 25mph zone.

He was stopped 10 minutes after Le Huray.

Lesser sentences were also imposed on two more road users caught at Northside.

Stanley Mallett, 18, of Brock Road, St Sampson’s, admitted speeding at 43mph. He was fined £300 and banned for a month.

And taxi driver Francis Tanguy, 47, of First Tower Lane, St Peter Port, admitted driving at 42mph towards Castle Road, away from the Bridge.

He received the same £300 fine and one-month ban.