Guernsey Press

Woman, 20, racially abused police officer

Racially abusing a police officer landed a 20-year-old with a suspended prison sentence, narrowly avoiding jail time.


The behaviour of Evie Bowie, of Route des Bas Courtils, St Saviour’s, was described by the judge as ‘abhorrent and totally unacceptable’ when she was sentenced in the Magistrate’s Court.

The defendant was taken to hospital, accompanied by a police officer, after being found trying to jump in front of moving vehicles.

The officer remained with her to ensure she did not leave, and she made comments that she no longer wished to engage with him because his skin was black, and started using racist slurs.

She told other black members of staff in the hospital that their skin colour was the reason that patients died under their care.

The officer said that defendant made it clear she did not like him because of his skin colour, and she told him to ‘go back to where he came from’.

She was taken into police custody for the offence of disorderly behaviour.

When searched in custody, Bowie was found with eight gabapentin tablets in her possession that had not been prescribed to her.

She admitted both offences.

‘I have dealt with several cases where this particular police officer has been racially abused,’ said Judge Gary Perry.

‘It wouldn’t surprise me if he decided to leave the force because of people like you, and that would be a disappointment to the community and turn other people away.

‘This kind of behaviour is abhorrent and totally unacceptable.’

Defending, Advocate Amy Davies said that her client was just 20 years old and had a number of mental and physical health disorders, including a hip injury sustained from running, and the difficulty of getting a diagnosis had led her to a low point in life.

She had been staying at St Julian’s Hostel and her vulnerabilities were exploited when her pain levels ramped up and she started taking non-prescribed prescription drugs.

She had mixed the drugs with alcohol and was remorseful about her actions, but was of previous good character and entered guilty pleas at the first opportunity.

Since the incident, she has thought about enrolling in college and made a choice to stop taking painkillers.

Bowie was sentenced to three months in prison, suspended for two years, one month for the drug possession offence and two months for disorderly behaviour.

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