Guernsey Press

Deputies slam E&I’s efforts to hire six new civil servants

AN APPEAL from a States committee to hire six new civil servants at a total cost of more than £400,000 has been trashed by a group of deputies, including the island’s former Chief Minister.

Deputy Peter Ferbrache described the proposal as ‘out of touch with reality’. (33560426)

Environment & Infrastructure is taking on seven deputies wanting to establish a dedicated housing committee by seeking to secure the cash sought to establish the new committee for itself, plus the same amount again.

E&I said it would use the money to recruit six officers to push forward housing projects already under way, and accelerate others.

But the plan has led to public outrage and the housing campaigners have leapt on that with their own criticism.

Deputy Peter Ferbrache described the proposal as ‘out of proportion and out of touch with reality – especially against the backdrop of States finances’.

‘In my whole time in the States, I do not remember a time when a request for six additional senior policy officers was made,’ he said.

Deputy Dave Mahoney said that the proposals appeared to be an admission that housing had been undervalued, given that the requests had not appeared in the Government Work Plan or Funding and Investment Plan process.

‘A request of this nature also signals a lack of prioritisation, which is of significant concern given the States’ record in trying to do too much and not delivering.’

Deputy Sasha Kazantseva-Miller, who is leading the requete, said she was now confused about progress actually being made by E&I on its housing mandate.

‘The proposals to hire six additional senior policy officers raises question marks over what is actually going to be delivered and when,’ she said.

‘I am increasingly concerned about where we are finding ourselves so late in the day. The latest yo-yo position on resourcing from E&I appears to be an act of desperation.

‘All eyes need to be laser-focused on the goal of spades in the ground and completing more homes. We are in a situation of chronic under supply of homes that’s been going on for years, we simply cannot afford to continue with the status quo.’

The requete signatories are backing a proposal from the Policy & Resources Committee to defer their debate until after the 2025 Budget process. But there will be a debate in this week’s States meeting over that proposal.