Guernsey Press

Little horrors enjoy Halloween

THE Mermaid Tavern's annual Halloween disco was a great way to finish off the half-term week and to kick off last weekend.


THE Mermaid Tavern's annual Halloween disco was a great way to finish off the half-term week and to kick off last weekend.

Despite the season being over, the self-catering cottages are usually full for half-term. The hotel rooms are also sold in winter on a B&B basis, so there are still plenty of people around.

The Mermaid always puts on a few event nights. The ever-popular quiz drew a big crowd and, having been on the winning team, I have to say it was a good night.

This was followed mid-week by make-your-own-pizza and Scalextric racing.

The Halloween disco is always popular, with most guests dressing up and getting into the spirit of things.

Over the weekend the island children had a party at the Village Hall and went trick or treating.

The schoolchildren were allowed to dress up for the day, in return for a donation to Help a Guernsey Child.

Spooky games, sweets and prizes were mixed in with regular school work.

All arrived not only dressed up, but fully in character. As you can see from the picture, a couple of the children looked as if they were in danger of being eaten by their vampire or zombie friends.

Vampires seemed to be a popular choice this year, followed closely by zombies and black cats. We also had a witch and an ominous dead waitress.

Strangely, given our local history, no one ever seems to dress up as a monk. Maybe they are afraid our ghostly resident may pop up in the courtyard to join in the fun.

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