Guernsey Press

Herm's stars shine

WITH more pre-schoolers on the island than in previous years, the Herm playgroup is now going strong.


WITH more pre-schoolers on the island than in previous years, the Herm playgroup is now going strong.

There has always been an unofficial playgroup for as long as there have been children on the island, but with seven toddlers to entertain, it has become something more organised and regular.

Playgroup is held at the Herm village hall, which is up at the farm near the Seagull campsite.

The hall was built within the last decade on the site of an old barn. It is for the use of all islanders and is regularly booked out to Scout groups and other organisations. It is situated right next to self-catering log cabins, so is often booked out by groups who are staying over such as archaeologists who need a little extra space for their work.

It is also the ideal spot for islanders to hold their children's birthday parties without the revellers being in earshot of guests. Often it doubles as a gym, as it is the perfect space for workouts, kick-boxing and weight training.

On cold days, the children can play inside while their mothers have coffee and a chat and on warm days they are able to spill out onto the lawn outside to run about and really use up some energy.

Last year the playgroup children got together to learn a nursery rhyme, which they performed before the Herm school nativity concert.

Herm's recent baby boom means that the younger island children always have friends nearby, even in the quiet season when there are few visitors.

The seven pre-schoolers are a lovely addition to the island community and will make sure the Herm school is well stocked with pupils for several years to come.

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