School concert is a big success
WHEN you hear the title 'Charles Dickens' and Victor Hugo's Great and Miserable Expectations With a Touch of the Greeks', it can mean only one thing - it's time for the Herm school concert.

WHEN you hear the title 'Charles Dickens' and Victor Hugo's Great and Miserable Expectations With a Touch of the Greeks', it can mean only one thing - it's time for the Herm school concert.
Always ambitious and challenging, this annual show combines all the year's projects in a riveting mix of drama, literature and music, with a healthy dose of comedy thrown in for good measure.
With seven children playing various parts, this year they required two dressers behind the stage to help with the many costume and scene changes.
The wigs alone this year were a great source of entertainment and were worthy of a show all of their own.
The concert began with Doctor Who popping back to Victorian times to learn the story of Great Expectations.
The Dickens classic was the main chunk of the concert, interspersed with songs from Les Miserables, played by Christine Anthony.
Every now and then, a rebellious Achilles would spring from Ancient Greece through the Tardis for a little musical interlude. And why not?
The children outdid themselves this year, with highlights being head boy Elliot Knight's lovely rendition of Bring Him Home, and five-year-old Brandon Hastings' hilarious slapstick sketch to the theme from Benny Hill.
It isn't hard to see why this is the most anticipated part of the school year.
Nine-year-old Elliot was also the recipient of the Peter Wood Trophy for endeavour throughout the year.
The Herm school fete took place on a beautiful sunny day on the lawn in front of the White House Hotel.
With only six families involved in the school, it is a lot of hard work to organise but well worth the effort.
Attractions included a bouncy slide, glitter tattoos, home-made lemonade, a barbecue, a cake stall and the ever-popular tombola.
As always, thanks go to all the Guernsey shops and businesses that supported it with their fantastic raffle prizes.
The high standard of donations meant that we were for the second year able to have a Super Raffle, charging £5 per ticket for a chance to win the top prizes, including a PlayStation 3 from Cable & Wireless.
Other notable prizes came from The Farmhouse, the Fermain Valley Hotel, Moore's Hotel, Alliance Cash and Carry and Aladdin's Cave, plus many Herm prizes.
Thanks to everyone's commitment and hard work, the school raised a massive and record-breaking £1,750.