Guernsey Press

House of Lords tea party for Gabby and Stephen

TWO Sark School pupils have been invited to a tea party at the House of Lords in May following some excellent work in their GCSE studies.


TWO Sark School pupils have been invited to a tea party at the House of Lords in May following some excellent work in their GCSE studies.

Gabby Southern and Stephen Dewe are both 15 and they do some of their work by way of distance learning through the Nisai Virtual Academy. Head teacher Sarah Cottle told me that only just over 3% of Nisai students are recognised this way for making 'outstanding progress' and she added that this was a real indication of how well they have done.

'Working through Nisai requires a high level of motivation and application and both Gabby and Stephen are committed and hard-working students,' she said. 'The staff and the Education Committee are very proud of them.'

I understand that no final decision has yet been made on whether they can accept the invitation simply because it will mean a couple of nights away – a day trip is impossible – and being accompanied by parents.

I hope they can get there, as it will be an occasion they'll remember all their lives. But even if they don't they deserve the highest praise because of the credit they've brought upon themselves, their teachers and parents – and indeed Sark as a whole.


Consultant Belinda Crowe was here last week speaking to residents about the review she is carrying out into Sark's government. In an island-wide mail drop ahead of her visit, Ms Crowe said she would be available to have 'informal discussions' with residents for an hour and a half on the Thursday evening.

Most people, me included, thought that this would follow the format of five-minute chats on a one-to-one basis – similar to what farcically passes for election hustings over here – and nothing I heard when I arrived at the Island Hall offered a contrary view. Accordingly, I popped in for just long enough to get a photograph of Ms Crowe and made my way home. It was only the following day that I heard that shortly after my departure, it was decided that everyone present would crowd in together.

Perhaps Ms Crowe could include in her report some recommendations on how she would ensure that the left hand always knows what the right is doing. If nothing else, it demonstrates the need for someone to look at how things are done the 'Sark (is different) way'.


Spring is just three days old but Sark is already gearing itself up for the summer tourist season, with Sunday boats to and from Guernsey starting this weekend. For anyone planning a day trip, Sark Shipping vessels (I'm being a bit optimistic there) leave Guernsey at 10am and Sark at 5pm, but if a leisurely lunch is on the menu then it's always advisable to book in advance. Telephone numbers can be found at – the Tourism Office's official website. Having just had a quick look at the forecast, both Saturday and Sunday look as if they'll be dry with temperatures about 12C and a wind of about 15 miles an hour from the east. With a number of hotels open all year round, it might be worth considering turning a nice away day into a weekend.


Belated congratulations are due to the irrepressible Elizabeth Perree, whose La Sablonnerie Hotel has been named Les Routiers Hotel of the Year. It was Elizabeth who famously buttonholed Simon Cowell at London's Dorchester Hotel and thrust a handful of Sark brochures at him, along with – no doubt – her own particular brand of selling the island.

Just a note as I close to say that the ex-service men and women's appeal for £6,000 to restore the First World War memorial window at St Peter's Church was achieved on 11 March. A magnificent effort, if I may say so.

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