Guernsey Press

Cyber security information sharing welcomed

A LOCAL IT company has welcomed the formation of a Channel Islands section of the Cyber Information Sharing Partnership by the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre.

Olly Duquemin, joint managing director of Resolution IT.

‘As we have seen from many high profile examples recently, cyber crime can and does affect every business, large or small and irrespective of jurisdiction,’ said Olly Duquemin, joint managing director of Resolution IT.

‘We are already a member of the UK CiSP [Cyber Information Sharing Partnership] but having an intel-sharing resource for local businesses is a really good step forward in helping raise awareness and combating such threats and we wholeheartedly endorse this joined-up approach.

‘All companies should also adopt their own frameworks to follow which includes “Cyber Essentials” and Resolution IT is fully qualified and at the forefront of measures to help local businesses.’

Full story in today's Guernsey Press