Guernsey Press

‘Good leadership is about passion and purpose’

LEADERS founder Phil Eyre said that his work and the recent leadership conference was about people from different areas helping each other with leadership.

Leaders founder Phil Eyre. (Picture by Chris George)

‘I think the nature of leadership requires faster responses than might have been the case in the past and therefore we need to do our best to pull from the best ideas from each other – and that’s a key ethos from this conference,’ said Mr Eyre, whose consultancy is based in Guernsey and works with a range of clients on leadership.

‘In fact, it’s a key ethos in everything I’m doing – is how can we connect better from across a variety of different sectors, experiences, different fields of practice to help us think through the leadership issues.

‘We can’t help each other technically necessarily, but we can help each other with leadership.’

For Mr Eyre good leadership was about passion and purpose about achieving something important, commitment, awareness of future risks and agility to problem solve.

Leaders had to watch for potential challenges in all these areas, for example a passionate person could potentially be self-defeatist or someone with an eye to the future could be reckless.