Pride of Guernsey: Karen Dawe
EMPATHY, care and compassion are three of the qualities that make Bulstrode House oncology nurse Karen Dawe worthy of the Ravenscroft-sponsored Angel of the Year Award, said her nominator.

Mrs Dawe is being put forward by Marilyn Vidamour, whose sister Barbara Tombleson was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia in 2017.
Mrs Tombleson had a stem cell transplant in Southampton in 2018 and had to visit Bulstrode House for chemotherapy.
Sadly, she passed away in April during lockdown, said Mrs Vidamour.
‘She was able to have a few more treatments during this time at Bulstrode house,’ she said.
‘I saw how hard those girls worked in such difficult circumstances, having to wear masks and visors, which must have been so hard for them. But never ever did they complain.’
She said they never thought of themselves and they were 100% there for the patients: ‘They were all such angels, but Karen Dawe was my sister’s special angel, always having time to spend to talk to my sister about her fears.’
Mrs Tombleson had been a practice nurse all her life: ‘She knew her time was getting close,’ said Mrs Vidamour.
‘When she was too weak to go up to Bulstrode I heard her make a phone call to the girls thanking them for all they had done to try to help her.
‘She was very grateful to them all. Her last words to Karen were “never change”, which she knew she never will as she has so much empathy, care and compassion for all her patients.
‘I’m putting Karen’s name forward as she so deserves it,’ she said.
‘I’m so grateful for the loving and compassionate care my sister was given.’