Pride of Guernsey: Ben Tustin and Luke Wheadon
A PAIR of entrepreneurs have been nominated for the Cherry Godfrey-sponsored Customer Service award.

Ben Tustin and Luke Wheadon have been jointly nominated for creating a unique seaweed-based hand sanitiser.
The nomination was submitted by Kay De La Rue, who was grateful that they acted quickly in the middle of a pandemic. They also chose to sell the sanitiser at pre-pandemic prices, meaning care homes, hospitals and all workers had access to the product.
Mr Wheadon of Channel Islands Liquor Co. was able to supply 98% ethanol, while Mr Tustin of Guernsey Seaweed experimented with seaweed to produce a gel. Seaweed was chosen because traditional mixing agents had sold out across Europe due to increased demand.
The ethanol kills bacteria on the hands and the gel ensures the ethanol stays on the hands long enough for the ethanol to take action.
A benefit of using nutrient-rich seaweed to do this is that it moisturises, preventing soreness. It is also more sustainable, because it can be collected from our shores. Their first batch in March was 200 litres and they have since produced more than 7,000 litres of the sanitiser.
Ms De La Rue said: ‘I’m very proud of them and Guernsey for pulling out the stops and getting the product to those who needed it.’