Pride of Guernsey: Beckie Bailey
AN ANIMAL CARE assistant at the GSPCA who goes so far as to take baby hedgehogs home to hand rear them has been nominated for Carer of the Year.
An anonymous nominator has put forward Beckie for the award, which is sponsored by Specsavers.
‘Beckie is a hard-working individual who works as an animal care assistant at the GSPCA,’ said her nominator.
‘She is always caring for the animals and putting them first, making sure they are safe and have the care they need.’
As well as taking hoglets home, she often goes in on her days off to help with animal care, events or an education tour.
‘She is always excited to talk about what animals she has saved, helped or released back into wild, like the oiled birds that came in to the GSPCA.
‘Beckie was involved with getting them back to good health.
‘She has so much passion and enthusiasm in what she does as a carer.
‘It should be highlighted that there are people out there in Guernsey looking after our injured, sick and young wildlife.’