Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Stephi and Martin Whitwam

FOR THEIR strength and positivity, Stephi and Martin Whitwam have been nominated for The Christies Group-sponsored Parent of the Year Award by Andrea Guilbert.

Stephi and Martin Whitwam. (21965610)

‘I met Stephi and Martin at the Loveridge Ward, we were both admitted on the same day and our kids were born only a few hours apart,’ said Andrea.

‘Last January their daughter, Gracie, 8, was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia and has been at Southampton for treatment ever since.’

‘They have been very strong as this meant that Martin stayed in Guernsey with their younger son Oliver, 4, while Stephi went with Gracie for her treatment.’

Gracie has had four intensive rounds of chemotherapy, with five bone marrow tests, three lumbar punctures and lots of medication alongside her chemotherapy to protect her body organs, but did not need a bone marrow transplant.

‘They have always kept positive and strong for their kids.’

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