Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Becky Tostevin and Tracey Shorto

BROWNIE leaders Becky Tostevin and Tracey Shorto have been nominated for the Parish Champion of the Year Award for their work with the St Martin’s 11th Le Grand Courtil group.

Becky Tostevin and Tracey Shorto, Brownie Leaders have been nominated for a Pride of Guernsey Award. Parish Champions. Left to right, Olivia Stanbury, Louisa Bisson, both eight, Becky, Tracey, Flo Hemery, 10, Siobhan Plevin, eight. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 25263972)

They have been nominated by Brownie mum Elaine Plevin, whose daughter Siobhan has been a member for almost three years.

‘Both Becky and Tracey give up every Friday night and a lot of their free time during the week to teach my daughter and other girls in their Brownies group,’ she said.

‘The girls love all the adventures they get up to and trips they go on with Becky and Tracey, who are unfailingly cheerful and positive.’

Siobhan moved up from Rainbows with Tracey and had her name signed up for the group before she was of age to join.

‘They teach our daughters to be strong, confident, charitable and giving.

‘Both Becky and Tracey are great role models for the women of the future.’

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