Pride of Guernsey: Emma Porterfield
A WHOLE class full of students have nominated Emma Porterfield for the HSBC-sponsored Teacher of the Year award.
The popular St Sampson’s High School English teacher was nominated by more than 30 students, who described her as ‘the best’, with ‘a smile always on her face’, who teaches in a ‘fun manner’ and has ‘a thing for Danny DeVito’.
They said while the stories she tells keep her class entertained, she also understands what needs to be done to get the best out of them to ensure great grades, even helping them out with other subjects that are not her own.
Amelia Winsall, 13, said: ‘She is the best English teacher I’ve had and also takes into account our mental health and other issues, as well as teaching us fun and engaging lessons that are enjoyable and interesting for everyone.
‘Most people in my class look forward to English as the lesson of the day with Mrs Porterfield.
‘She is always happy to see us and explains the work she expects us to do.’
Fellow student Kyah-Mae Ogier, also 13, said: ‘Mrs Porterfield is very fun and extremely nice and polite, but she also helps so much with our work and does so much for her job.
‘She always knows how to brighten anyone’s mood in and outside of the lesson.
‘She definitely is the best teacher in the world – extremely inspiring and strong.’
Elani Le Maitre, 13, added: ‘I believe Mrs Porterfield should get Teacher of the Year as she is one of the best.
‘She pushes us with our learning, preparing us for our future.
‘She also has a balance between seriousness and humour in each lesson – and seems to have a thing for Danny DeVito.’