Vegas comes to St Pierre Park for St John fundraiser
SIN CITY is coming to Guernsey for St John’s Las Vegas Spectacular fundraiser.

The event will take place on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 May to raise much-needed funds towards the charity’s community activities.
It promises to be a fully immersive and entertaining evening, with live music from a line-up of local bands, tribute acts, a casino, nightclub and an opportunity to win in the big prize games.
St Pierre Park Hotel will be transformed into the St John Las Vegas Resort complete with a casino, nightclub, performance stages, a themed buffet and four bars, including a cocktail bar and jazz lounge.
‘With so many people unable to travel off the island at the moment, we decided to supercharge a fundraising event into a fully immersive spectacular and bring Las Vegas to Guernsey,’ said Nikki Harrison, chief executive officer at St John.
Jonathan Squire, general manager of St Pierre Park, was pleased to be partnering with St John.
‘Using the entire hotel will enable us to really deliver an experience second-to-none. It will really be possible to step into Las Vegas without even leaving the Bailiwick bubble.’
Special room rates will be offered to those attending.
Tickets for the event cost £75 for one night and £130 for a weekender ticket.
They went on sale on Friday on a first-come, first-served basis.
Overnight stays start at £95 for bed and breakfast and can be booked by calling 728282.
. For more information about the event, email or call 727129 during weekday office hours.