‘When I first began selling cars, a radio was still an optional extra’
1. Tell us about what you do

My job is to manage sales at Duques Garage, where we sell new Subarus, quality used cars and new and used scooters and motorcycles from Suzuki, Yamaha, Rieju, Fantic, Neco and Soco. I am involved in the buying in, selling, administration and marketing aspects of all vehicle sales. I also arrange finance for anyone needing a loan/HP for their purchase.
2. How did you get into the motoring industry?
I have always loved cars and motorcycles and I had a friend who was selling cars at Ruette Braye Motors 32 years ago. A position came up at his dealership and I went for it. I enjoyed selling the prestigious brands of Jaguar and Land Rover and had plenty of success. I was then offered a position to run sales at Duques and I have now been here for 20 years.
3. What’s the hardest part about your job?
The hardest part now is keeping up with all the changes in vehicles and in the technology. When I first began selling cars, a radio was still an optional extra – nowadays, the technology in some new models is mind-blowing.
4. What’s the best part about your job?
The best part is that every day is different and you don’t know what to expect. My most favourite part is seeing a customer ride or drive away in their new pride of joy with a smile on their face.
5. What’s your funniest work memory?
One year while at Ruette Braye Motors, a colleague and I were told to dispose of a Christmas tree after the Christmas period. We were a bit lazy and decided it would be less effort to stick it on the breakdown Land Rover (commonly known as the wrecker). We got the tree in the back and took what we thought was a clever short cut through the car wash. We’d totally forgotten to take into account the height of the vehicle and needless to say things didn’t go well. The tree and the car wash took a bit of a battering and we were severely told off.