Planning applications - 10 January, 2017
Applications to the Development and Planning Authority, as published in the Guernsey Press.
Mrs J. and Mr Q. Rose – crown reduction to tree to south-east of property at Beau Rivage, Rue du Preel.
Mr M. Ferbrache – remove section of hedge (retrospective), excavate soil and hard surface to provide parking area and erect retaining walls to front of property at Hillcrest, Rue de la Perruque.
Mr and Mrs C. Hill – erect an oak-framed wood store at Kings Mills Cottage, Rue de la Porte.
Swallow Services Ltd – variation to plans previously approved to sub-divide the main house into two dwellings, including demolition, extension and alteration, refurbish
the existing cottage, including extension, convert barn to dwelling, including extension, and provision of parking and associated access arrangements – landscaping (retrospective) at La Hougue Farm, Rue de la Hougue.
R. W. Randall Ltd – erect roof terrace on flat roof area on north elevation and erect smoking shelter on east elevation of premises at La Reunion, Rockmount Hotel, Cobo Coast Road.
Mrs M. Moorman – extend domestic curtilage at Damoni, Rue du Manoir.
Mr J. Baker and Miss A. Le Tissier – extend dwelling at ground floor level on south (rear) elevation, install rooflight on north roofslope and widen existing vehicular access at Les Petit Lapins, Rue Maze.
PZP Properties Ltd – erect two semi-detached dwellings at St Martin's Court, Rue Maze.
A. H. Developments Ltd – install two rooflights on north elevation at Eastgrove, Quatre Vents Lane.
Dix Neuf Ltd – erect marquee from 1 April until 30 October at Bella Luce Hotel, La Fosse.
Mr and Mrs Bramley – alterations to porch on front elevation, install new window at first floor level on north elevation, install external insulated render and replace windows at Hazeldean, Guelles Road.
Mrs T. E. Smith – remove doors and side screen and install new window and access door on north-east elevation at Boulangerie Victor Hugo, St George's Esplanade.
Midhurst Properties Ltd – rebuild chimney (protected building) at Midhurst Lodging House and Loretto House, Candie Road.
Mr F. Kilpatrick – demolish section of wall at rear of dwelling to create car parking area and driveway at Colwin, Rouge Huis Avenue.
Mr V. Priore – install replacement windows (front elevation) at 5,
Lower Vauvert.
Mr and Mrs Wills – erect extension at rear and install window and two rooflights in west elevation of dwelling at Rowan House (formerly Seaton Carew), Le Foulon Road.
Hawthorn Ltd – demolish garages and alterations to parking and erect covered garages (protected building) at Mount Durand Garages, Mount Durand.
Mr C. Le Page – demolish garage and retail showroom and erect new vehicle showroom (revised) at St Peter Port Garage, Rue du Pre.
Mr and Mrs S. Smith – install swimming pool and patio at Les Cheneaux, Montville Road.
Mr and Mrs E. Mauger – extend domestic curtilage at The Ferns, Route de Plaisance.
Mr J. Skillet – demolish dwelling and erect new dwelling and detached garage and demolish outbuildings at La Canaufle, Route de la Lague.
Mr C. P. De Mouilpied – replace window with double door (at rear) at Saming, 5, Heronniere Drive, Les Bas Courtils Road.
Mr and Mrs M. Tetlow – demolish extension at rear and extend and alter dwelling and install dormer window (north-west elevation) at The Haven, Les Grandes Maisons Road.
Mr B. Le Page – alter and convert existing garage to form new dwelling and alterations to access (revised) at Grand Frere, Les Petites Mielles.
Mr and Mrs Tilleard – alter and convert existing packing shed to an office, create parking area and erect an earthbank (revised) at Courtil de Rigeaux Vinery, Rue des Rigneaux.
Mr J. Ridout – erect 1.5 storey extensions to rear (south-east) and single storey extensions to front (north-west) and side (south-west); alter fenestration; install dormer window, rooflights and juliet balcony; install flue at The Cariboos, Rue de l'Arquet.
Mr J. Ridout – variations to works previously approved to erect 1.5 storey and single storey extension – erect flat roof sun lounge at rear of dwelling at La Grange, La Rue des Jehans.
Mrs S. Browning – variations to plans previously approved to erect single storey flat roof extension, install first floor window and rooflight to rear (west) elevation and install wall and railings to front (east) boundary – demolish existing and erect replacement single storey pitched roof extension to the rear (west) elevation at Notre Vie, Vale Avenue.
Ms M. Le Poidevin– remove leylandii hedge and erect new fence at Notre Reve, Rue de l'Ecole.
Mr J. M. Henry – create vehicular access to land at Freisland Field, Route des Landes.
Mr and Mrs T. Henry – demolish existing and erect new lean-to extension(north elevation) at 2, Passeur Cottages, La Rue du Passeur.
Services International Ltd – change of use to storage/distribution use class 35 for use for data and archive storage at Unit 14, Barras Lane Industrial Estate, Barras Lane.
Mr and Mrs S. Reid – erect one-and-a-half storey extension with balcony at first floor level on north-west elevation and install new window at first floor level on south-west elevation of main dwelling at Saltwinds, The Palms, Portinfer Road.
Mr and Mrs K. Cramb – extend dwelling on west elevation at Les Eperons, Houmet Lane.
R. W. Randall Ltd is seeking permission to put a roof terrace on the flat roof area on the north elevation and a smoking shelter on the east elevation of La Reunion at the Rockmount Hotel, Cobo Coast Road. (Picture by Tom Tardif, 17102132)
However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.
Applications are normally published in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected. Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection at the auhtority's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, between 9am and 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.
Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the authority and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.
Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.