Planning applications - 21 March, 2017
Applications to the Development and Planning Authority, as published in the Guernsey Press.
Mr and Mrs M. Rodliffe – variation to plans previously approved to extend and alter dwelling – increase ridge height and alter north east section of roof at Greenacres, Rue du Frie Plaidy.
Mr and Mrs P. Gomes – demolish conservatory and erect single storey orangery, demolish gable extension and erect two storey extension and outbuilding and install two rooflights on rear of dwelling at La Croix, Ruette de la Croix.
Mr and Mrs A. Girard – erect flat roof extension and install rooflight at rear of dwelling at Misano, Clos Beaumont, Rue des Goddards.
Mr and Mrs I. Hicks – erect a sun lounge (rear/south-west elevation) at Nevada, 18, Le Villocq Estate, Courtil Simon Lane.
Mr and Mrs S. Rowe – remove glazed conservatory roof and replace with solid slate roof at Glendalough, 8, Meadow Drive, Le Villocq Lane.
Mr and Mrs D. Podmore – demolish existing and erect new timber frame workshop and store relocated to north-west of site, extend raised terrace, erect perimeter walls and construct steps at Shinglewood, Rue de la Ronde Cheminee.
Dr and Mrs G. and A. Pullum – variation to works previously approved to erect single storey flat roof extension to side (west), erect porch to front (south), install additional dormer windows and rooflight to rear (north) and alter fenestration – enlarge dormer window on north elevation at Pennant, Rohais de Bas.
Mr and Mrs P. Le Page – demolish conservatory and erect single storey pitched and flat roof extensions including rooflights and flue (rear elevation) and relocate oil tank at Vaucour Place, Route des Talbots.
Mr and Mrs J. Burtenshaw – variations to works previously approved to erect extensions on rear and side, form a front covered area adjacent to entrance and install dormer windows and rooflights on front and rear of dwelling – apply insulation/render system to all extensions, remove window and increase number of sliding/folding doors and reposition window and install door (rear elevation), remove door and install window (side/west elevation), omit roof lantern light and install dome light to rear flat roof extension, and increase width of garage extension at Pardoo, Guilliard Lane.
Miss G. Mason and Mr L. de la Mare – erect single storey extension to side and rear elevations at Blossom Hill, Rue Poudreuse.
Mr T. Le Marchant – demolish extension and construct replacement (rear elevation) and alter roof form (hip to gable) at Clarendon, La Rue de la Corbinerie.
Mr S. Ingrouille – extend domestic curtilage and erect a summer house at Pres du Puits, Ville Amphrey.
Jubilee Scheme 2 LP – change of use of ground floor cafe to office use (use class 22) at The Rotunda, Royal Plaza, Royal Avenue.
Mr M. Maubec – install non-illuminated sign on fascia of shop at 8, Smith Street.
Mr S. Bygrave – replace roof and demolish chimney stack (south-east roof plane) at Chok Dee Song, 21, Allez Street.
Mr K. Birch – demolish extensions to rear and side of dwelling, erect replacement two-storey extension (side) and single storey extension (rear), replace fenestration, create roof terrace and alterations and erect outbuilding to rear at Heatherdown, Doyle Road.
Mr and Mrs Merrien – erect two semi-detached dwellings, demolish outbuilding, relocate vehicular access and alter front boundary walls at Rozel Villa, Rozel Road.
Mr and Mrs Merrien – demolish extension and conservatory and erect a two storey extension (rear elevation), alter front boundary
walls and create vehicular access
and parking at Rozel Villa, Rozel Road.
Mr Smith and Miss Lindsay – install two dormer windows to front (north) and two rooflights and a cabrio balcony window to rear (south) at Central Park, Avenue du Manoir, Ville au Roi.
Mrs Gill – replace conservatory roof with Supalite roof at The Town House, 43, Domaine de Beauport, Hauteville.
Mr P. Dunn – erect sun lounge
(west elevation) at Chipstead,
Croutes Havilland.
Mr H. Tabel – re-slate roof, refurbish dormer window and re-line parapet box gutters (protected building) at 14, Fountain Street.
Mrs C. Winter– change of use of land/quarry to domestic curtilage at Le Beuval, Route des Sages.
Mr and Mrs Fallaize – replace conservatory roof with Supalite roof, replace glazing and block up doors at Jumarli, L'Enclos du Monts, Mont Morin.
Mr J. A. Moore– erect a dwelling with associated landscaping and parking at land off Rue des Monts.
Quartet Ltd– demolish conservatory and walls to the kitchen and erect a flat roof single storey extension with terrace over, demolish chimney, install dormer windows, alteration to fenestration and internal alterations (protected building) at Delancey Park House, Rue des Monts.
Mr and Mrs F. Snoding – erect flat roof extension at rear of dwelling and erect retaining garden wall at Woodlands, Robergerie Road.
Hautes Capelles Primary School – install play equipment on playing field at Hautes Capelles Primary School, Route des Capelles.
Mr P. Beausire – raise ridge height and install dormer windows (north and south elevations) at Hideaway, Bukit Estate, La Route des Capelles.
Mr and Mrs A. King – install lantern light and flush roof light to existing flat roof on south-west elevation at La Haute Lande, Les Abreuveurs Road.
Mr J. Matthews – demolish shed, extend garage to form dower unit and garage and erect new workshop at Lilyvale Cottage, Route du Picquerel.
Mr and Mrs T. Boreham – erect single storey pitched roof extension at rear (south) of dwelling (protected building) at Bumble Cottage, La Biloterie.
Mr and Mrs L. Le Couteur – erect pitched roof garage extension to rear (east) of property at Les Portelettes, Rue des Portelettes.
Mr and Mrs P. Bewey – convert packing shed into dwelling at La Mazotte Vinery, La Mazotte.
Guernsey Waste (States Trading Asset) – install replacement gas flare and associated plant at gas flare compound, Creve Coeur, Chouet.
Mr S. Tostevin – remove garage door and install window at Herora, Clos Raymond Leterrier, Pont Vaillant.
Mr and Mrs D. Beattie – install cat slide dormer window (south elevation) at Chez Courge, Rue des Marais.
Mr and Mrs J. Isabelle – install door and window on west elevation of garage and change of use to create new office space at Stones Throw Cottage, Portinfer Road.
However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.
Applications are normally published in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected. Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection at the auhtority's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, between 9am and 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.
Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the authority and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.
Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.