Guernsey Press

Detainees mistreated in ‘prison-like’ conditions, Brook House Inquiry finds

A total of 19 incidents of mistreatment took place at the detention centre near Gatwick Airport in West Sussex in five months.

Last updated

Detainees were mistreated in “prison-like” conditions at an immigration centre where staff made dehumanising comments and were quick to use force, an inquiry has found.

Brook House immigration removal centre (IRC) was “not sufficiently decent, secure or caring for detained people or its staff”, a report into abuse suffered there in 2017 concluded.

A total of 19 incidents of mistreatment took place at the detention centre near Gatwick Airport in West Sussex between April and August that year, inquiry chairwoman Kate Eves said.

She said her 33 recommendations must be implemented “to ensure that other detained people do not suffer in the same way as those at Brook House did”.

Ten members of staff were dismissed or resigned in the wake of the broadcast.

No prosecutions were brought after a police investigation but two former detainees successfully argued a full independent investigation was needed.

G4S has since stopped running Brook House, with outsourcing giant Serco having taken over.

The report, published on Tuesday and running to three volumes totalling around 800 pages, detailed a “toxic” culture amongst G4S staff who had been running the centre at the time.

Ms Eves said: “Under the Home Office and its contractor, G4S, Brook House was not sufficiently decent, secure or caring for detained people or its staff at the time these events took place.

“An environment flourished in which unacceptable treatment became more likely.”

She said she “rejected the narrative portrayed by both the Home Office and G4S in their evidence that the events at Brook House were primarily the result of a small minority of G4S staff”, saying such a narrative “seeks to distance both organisations from their responsibility for the prevailing culture at the the time”.

Inquiry chairwoman Kate Eves said evidence heard and footage played had shown
Inquiry chairwoman Kate Eves said evidence heard and footage played had shown ‘men suffering mistreatment, and in distressing situations’ (Kate Eves/Brook House Inquiry/PA)

Among her recommendations, the chairwoman said the Government should introduce a time limit of 28 days maximum for a person to be held at an IRC.

She described the environment at Brook House as “harsh” and “prison-like”, saying it was “entirely unsuitable for detaining people for anything other than a short period of time”.

The report noted that in July 2017, the average stay at the centre was 44 days, but five people had been there for between one and two years.

Ms Eves referred to one Home Office manager who had told the inquiry that if someone spent more than 24 hours at Brook House “you’re going to develop mental health issues”, adding “it’s not a nice place to be”.

There was “significant understaffing” and the senior management team was “dysfunctional”, the report found.

It was “common” for staff to use “racist and derogatory language” when speaking about detainees and “unacceptable, often abusive behaviour was dismissed as banter”, Ms Eves said.

Among the 19 incidents of mistreatment which involved 16 men, the report cited a “terrifying” moment – which had been part of the Panorama programme – where a detention custody officer put his hands around a detainee’s neck and called him a “f**king piece of shit”, adding: “I’m going to put you to f**king sleep”.

Other instances included men being forcibly moved when naked or near-naked, physical violence and staff who initially “stood and looked” at a detainee who had been found unconscious having attempted to self-harm “without trying to help him”.

The chairwoman recommended that “new comprehensive and mandatory rules for how force is used in IRCs  is urgently needed”.

Ms Eves called on the Home Office to pay “more than mere lip service” to her findings, noting a “dark thread” running throughout her report of a failure to act on previous recommendations.

She warned that, with the Government having made clear its intention to expand the use of immigration detention, “any expansion or other change should be considered in the context of learning lessons from past failures”.

A general view of Brook House Immigration Removal Centre
The 19 incidents of mistreatment involved 16 men at Brook House (PA)

Ms Eves has requested that the Government responds to her recommendations within six months.

A G4S spokesperson said they were “appalled when, in 2017, a number of former employees acted in a way that was contrary to our values, policies and their training, and for this we are sorry”.

A Home Office spokesperson described the abuse at Brook House in 2017 as “unacceptable” and added that is is “carefully considering every recommendation” of the inquiry report.

They said: “We remain committed to ensuring safety and security in all immigration removal centres and to learn lessons from Brook House to ensure these events never happen again.”

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