Elizabeth College Theatre Company turns Legally Blonde
After sell-out successes with performances of ‘We Will Rock You’ and ‘Footloose’, the Elizabeth College Theatre Company is returning with a stage musical adaptation of Legally Blonde.

Released in 2001, Legally Blonde has become a classic of the romantic comedy genre, and Guernsey audiences will have the chance to see it locally next week, after a year of planning and rehearsals.
‘It is one of the more difficult productions that we’ve tried,’ said Charlotte Newall, co-director and head of drama at Elizabeth College.
Two other Elizabeth College teachers have played central roles behind the scenes, drama teacher Thomas Cheshire as co-director, and music teacher Gaynor Laird as band musical director. Production auditions were open to the whole island, for anyone aged between 11 and 18.
‘We’re looking for musicals to bring to the island that are a little bit different, and also give students the experience of working with different shows, contexts and themes,’ said Miss Newall.
Elizabeth College has performed three major productions in recent years. Each production is a collaboration between the drama and music departments.
This year’s production has about 45 cast members and 10 band members.
It will be the second time that the college has used live music performed by school students in a theatre production.
‘It’s really important for us to take this kind of performance into local theatres so that they have that professional experience,’ said Miss Newall.
‘We put them through their paces so that we can get the best out of the students and the final product is something they are proud of.’
Preparing such a production requires a big time commitment, which Miss Newall said was worthwhile just to see students achieving their best and responding to audiences’ recognition and applause.
‘Legally Blonde’, which is being staged at The Princess Royal Centre for the Performing Arts, features among the best of the island’s talented young singers, dancers, actors and musicians.
‘We put it on for the students themselves because we want to give them these fantastic opportunities and experiences,’ said Miss Newall.
Rehearsals have moved from Elizabeth College to the Performing Arts Centre this week to help students adapt to the venue.
The performances will be held on four successive evening next week from Monday 20 to Thursday 23 January, all starting at 7pm.
Visit here to buy tickets online.