Guernsey Press

Watch this family enjoy a synchronised dinosaur dance party with style

The Wood family had dinosaur outfits waiting to be used so why not?


A large family pulled on their dinosaur costumes for an indoor dance party when it got too hot to play outside – and made a brilliant video in the process.

The epic show, filmed for prosperity, includes synchronised dancing and air guitar – making it a thing of internet gold.

The short clip shows parents Josh and Careese Wood in the full dino suits along with some of their nine children. Their youngest two – aged two and four – are at the front and dressed as mini dinosaurs.

The family, from Texas, were trying to stay cool indoors last month when they hit upon the idea of an impromptu dance.

“It was 40C – which was too hot for the kids to play outside for more than a few minutes.

“Since we’re big fans of spontaneous family dance parties, we thought it might be fun to put on our dinosaur suits and dance to the Walk The Dinosaur song.

“My wife, Careese, had the brilliant idea to choreograph a short little dance. The kids loved it.”

The family originally wore the suits when they went trick or treating in 2017.

Josh said the cost was “money well spent” adding: “the ability to be ridiculous is one of the great joys of parenting”.

Josh blogs about family life at His CraigList advert to sell his family’s old vehicle went viral for its honesty.

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