Guernsey Press

Islanders kept out of the loop on reclamation

WHY is there an unseemly rush to get the States to approve a seven-figure sum for investigations into the preferred reclamation site at Longue Hougue?


The proposals give members very few weeks to get their heads around the merits of the sites and to hear the views of constituents while also considering such thorny matters as the future of our secondary education.

Yet for most islanders the proposals have appeared suddenly, and

caused distress to neighbouring homeowners.

Civil servants at the Beau Sejour presentation on inert waste said there had been a press release about a year ago, and that there had been ongoing consultations with groups such as the Societe Guernesiais. But people inside the information loop seem not to understand that for most of us it appears that nothing is going on.

As an example, I learnt that general refuse collection is proposed to cost £2.50 per bag, while the parish refuse charge will go down slightly, and that all will be revealed in January.

There is another side to this withholding of details – how can public opinion be judged when people know little or nothing of what is being discussed?

Surely the few possible sites for dumping should be available for public comment – or are the views of islanders irrelevant?

My micro survey over the past week showed an overwhelming support for reclaiming at Chouet. Can our government come up with a better answer in a few months?


Colyton House,

Sohier Road,
