Guernsey Press

ATR technology would improve chances of landing in fog

ANDREW HAINING’S interesting article on 5 March 2018 highlights not only the challenges facing Aurigny but also how fortunate we are to be in complete control of our destiny in terms of air travel to and from the island. This is unlike Jersey and the Isle of Man, both of which islands are entirely reliant on sometimes fickle airlines for their transport needs.


There is one section in the Aurigny chairman’s report which stands out for further scrutiny. The new generation of ATR 72-600 turboprops now available have inbuilt technology to land in even the foggiest conditions.

This one additional feature would completely transform our air travel reliability. It would mean more certainty for business meetings, for travel to and back from holiday, for sports and cultural events, for hospital appointments and for important family occasions. Indeed it might be argued to be the single greatest economic enabler we could invest in. Our air links would instantly become far more reliable than Jersey and the Isle of Man.

Many regular Guernsey business travellers, tourists and islanders have apocryphal stories to tell of their own fog delays. However, this would become a distant memory. The improved reliability will benefit every islander, tourist and business traveller.

Disruption due to fog costs Aurigny (and therefore each Guernsey taxpayer) hundreds of thousands of pounds a year, almost all of which would be saved at a stroke.

There surely has to be a strong case for immediate investment in these revolutionary aircraft which will so enhance our travel experience, allow us to plan our trips with certainty and steal a substantial march on our neighbours. It will take some time and money to upgrade the fleet, perhaps financed through the new Guernsey Investment Fund (infrastructure cell) or part of the States Bond Issuance proceeds (currently being used to support the UK government through its investment in UK Gilts) but we must finance these ATR 600 aircraft. There is really no time to lose.

This letter disregards the ultra-reliable Embraer jet which, I understand, unfortunately cannot yet be fitted with this remarkable equipment.



Route du Coudre

St Peter’s