Was there a long-lost advanced civilization?
LIKE most people, regardless of age, I am ready to learn. I had thought over the years that the human race technologically speaking was more capable than at any time in the past.
This is not the case, and in many instances we, the ordinary people, are being misled regarding the dates of civilisations, although I do not believe that there is a conspiracy going on.
A close relative of mine recently went to Peru in South America. While there he visited Machu Pichu and he was told by official guides that all of the stonework was done by the Inca people.
He has done some stonework in his time and he wondered why anyone who could fit stones together so that it was impossible to get a cigarette paper between the joints would allow themselves to do such poor quality stonework at a later date, as is the case in Machu Pichu.
When you build a wall you start at the bottom, there is no other way. In Machu Pichu the lower quality stonework is on top of the much older mortar free perfectly fitting stonework. Apparently the Spanish Conquistadors on arriving at Tiahuanaco, a megalithic site in Bolivia, asked the Inca leaders if they had done the stonework. The Incas laughingly replied ‘No it was done by the gods long back in time.’
That same style of stonework can be found in many parts of the world, even the lower walls of the emperor’s palace in Japan.
It points to a worldwide advanced civilisation lost in the past along with the equipment required to transport, sometimes many miles, cut and shape these megaliths some weighing several tons. The Inca people who were masters of terracing, also of getting water to where it was required were a Bronze Age society. Bronze tools cannot shape hard stone such as andesite which was used extensively in Machu Pichu.
When archaeologists were unearthing megaliths in Peru and Bolivia they found metal that had been poured, while in a molten state, into notches cut into stone blocks to hold them together - the metal in the form of two capital letter Ts joined at the base of the T. J
ust imagine what that meant, some form of portable crucible would have been required in which to melt the bronze-based alloy, not easy at an altitude of nearly 4,000 metres. Also fuel would be needed with which to heat the crucible.These notches have been found in stone blocks in many other parts of the world along with the metal pieces joining them together.
There are pyramids built in many parts of the world, also on many ancient monuments we see carvings in the form of ladies handbags. They must be significant. Maybe the recent discoveries in Turkey at Gobekli Tepe with its indisputable carbon dating taken from the bones of animals slaughtered at that time puts it at over 11,000 years old will be enough to persuade the somewhat entrenched established view on re-dating the dates of all civilisations.
Name and address withheld.