Guernsey Press

We could generate nuclear power on-island

NO DOUBT we are all watching the spat between France and Jersey. I commend the States keeping an on-island generation capability.


It makes me wonder why we are planning to increase our dependency on French nuclear power by laying a direct cable to France. If the attraction of French nuclear power is that it is ‘green’, perhaps Guernsey Electricity should investigate a small modular nuclear power plant. They are becoming available now. Rolls-Royce, Toshiba, Hitachi and the Russians all have plants running at the sort of scale that would be needed for the island. Small nuclear is a more certain technology than wave or tidal power, with much lower maintenance costs. It would also provide a continuous base load, which neither wind nor solar can achieve.

The electricity grid is a key strategic asset. It is important that we remain in control of our destiny here even if it means retaining oil-based on-island plant for another decade or more until a greener alternative becomes economically rational.

I note that Alan Bates, Guernsey Electricity’s CEO, has posted a reassuring note on GE’s website. I wonder whether his strategic thinking goes beyond interconnection to France to achieve a sustainable and secure supply.


Les Vieilles Terres,


St Peter Port,
