Guernsey Press

Time to leave the ‘nice to have’ projects behind

ON THE front page of Thursday 8 September’s Guernsey Press Peter Ferbrache warns ‘that Guernsey will run very short of money as demands for increased expenditure outstrip expectations’.


Our States are looking at ways to increase income through taxation in one form or other, to fill ‘the black hole’ of some £80m.

Recycling are looking at increasing, again, the amount that we have to pay for our waste disposal.

Just to name a few problems that we have raising enough money to muddle through in these difficult times.

On page six of the same paper a deputy is raising the case, again, to increase the length of the runway at the airport. This subject has been debated so many times that people are fed up with seeing it come up again.

Who is going to pay for it and what will it achieve?

Taxes will have to go up, or other projects will have to be put on hold, to finance a project that may attract more visitors to the island – no guarantee that this will happen.

How long have we got to put up with these bright ideas that are raised more and more often without looking at the projects that are more important to the running of the island?

Come on States members, start looking at things that are really important to the running of the island and leave the projects that would be ‘nice to have’ but really, we can do without.

Stop wasting your time and our money.



Grandes Marais Road
