Could a helicopter service the route between Alderney and Guernsey?
Just wondered if anyone in the States of Guernsey and Aurigny has ever looked at the feasibility of replacing fixed-wing aircraft with a helicopter to service the route between Alderney and Guernsey.

Firstly, there would be no costly upgrade of millions of pounds required to the current runway. The Penzance-to-the Isles of Scilly helicopter has serviced the Scilly Isles for many years – currently transporting 12 people per trip on a Sikorsky S-76 helicopter.
Secondly, the helicopter can operate in much lower visibility so there would be fewer delays. And thirdly, the helicopter could be used for any sea emergencies and could take sick passengers to Southampton General Hospital directly, which would save the States of Guernsey Health budget thousands of pounds annually not having to pay private third-party operators.
I’m happy to put a business case to the States of Guernsey if anyone has the willingness to engage?
Forest, GY8 0DB