Guernsey Press

California Governor Gavin Newsom offers to help negotiate Hollywood strike

Any role for Mr Newsom to help end strikes halting one of the country’s most recognisable industries could bolster his status on the national stage.


Governor of California Gavin Newsom has contacted all sides of the strikes that have hobbled Hollywood in an effort to help broker a deal, his office said.

So far, neither studio executives nor actors and writers have shown formal interest in bringing Mr Newsom to the negotiating table, said Anthony York, Mr Newsom’s senior adviser for communications.

But Mr York said both Mr Newsom and senior members of his administration have been in touch with all sides as the two strikes stretch deeper into the summer blockbuster season.

Mr York said: “It’s clear that the sides are still far apart, but he is deeply concerned about the impact a prolonged strike can have on the regional and state economy.”

Hollywood Strikes Newsom
California Governor Gavin Newsom is in his final term in office (Hector Amezcua/The Sacramento Bee via AP, File)

The last time the writers went on strike more than a decade ago, the 100-day work stoppage cost the state’s economy an estimated 2 billion dollars.

The economic hit could be even bigger this time around now that actors have joined the picket lines.

The writers have been on strike since May, and the actors joined them earlier this month.

Both unions have concerns about how they will be paid in an age where fewer people are paying to go to the movies or watch cable TV in favour of streaming services.

And they are worried how the rise of artificial intelligence will affect the creative process of how movies and TV shows are made and who is paid to make them.

Hollywood Strikes
Actress Sarah Paulson joins a picket line outside Netflix studios (Mya Vinnett/AP)

Now in his final term in office, Mr Newsom has worked hard to boost his national profile as he sets his sights on life after the governor’s office.

He is widely considered a future presidential contender, though he has said he has no plans to run.

Any role for Mr Newsom to help end strikes halting one of the country’s most recognisable industries could bolster his status on the national stage.

Mr York declined to say who Mr Newsom has spoken with, either on the unions’ side or the studios.

Representatives for the Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers declined to comment.

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