Guernsey Press

Dutch ‘fish doorbell’ becomes unlikely online hit

The livestream combines slow TV and ecological concerns as the fish take part in their springtime migration.


The Dutch city of Utrecht has installed a “fish doorbell” on a river lock that lets online viewers alert authorities to fish being held up as they make their springtime migration to shallow spawning grounds.

The idea is simple: An underwater camera at Utrecht’s Weerdsluis lock sends live footage to a website.

When somebody watching the live stream sees a fish, they can click a button that sends a screenshot to organisers.

Fish in the murky green water
The fish can become trapped on their way to shallow spawning grounds (Visdeurbel via AP)

Now in its fifth year, the site has attracted millions of viewers from around the world with its quirky mix of slow TV and ecological activism.

Much of the time, the screen is just a murky green with occasional bubbles, but sometimes a fish swims past. As the water warms up, more fish appear.

A perch in the water
A perch is ready for its close-up (Visdeurbel via AP)

The bell is the brainchild of ecologist and concept developer Mark van Heukelum.

He is happily surprised at the response, with millions of people from around the world tuning in over the years.

Anna Nijs and Mark van Heukelum
Anna Nijs and Mark van Heukelum are behind the project (AP)

Anna Nijs, an ecologist with Utrecht municipality, was also amazed at the popularity of the concept around the world.

“We get a lot of fan mail from people who think it’s slow TV and they find it relaxing,” said Ms Nijs.

On top of this, “they appreciate that they can actually do something to help”.

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