Expansion of secondary schools planned for July
NEW buildings will start going up at Les Beaucamps and St Sampson’s High schools next year as they become part of the new single Lisia School.

The plans for the project were released to the public yesterday, including detailed traffic impact assessment for both sites.
There are proposals to try and tackle traffic at the sites, as their population grows, with more pupils and staff being encouraged to walk, cycle and use the bus to get to school.
It is estimated that the new De Saumarez College at the Les Beaucamps school site will have more than 1,400 pupils and staff after the reorganisation. But the school is being built to house more than 1,700 people.
It is planned that work will start next July and be completed by June 2022, ready for the new 2022-2023 school year.
The floor area of the site will be increased from 9,800 square metres to nearly 14,000 square metres.
Most of the expansion will be on the multi-use game area site at the school, as it is at the heart of the school. It is planned that a single-storey building be created by the current covered walkway, while a two-storey wing is created behind it.
Construction access would be across the playing fields to avoid interacting with school traffic.
There will also be a small extension to the west of the school for the special education needs centre.
Similar materials as used in the 2013 new build will be used to keep the site in harmony.
A new multi-use games area will be created on the playing field.
Just four extra parking spaces will be added to the existing 116 spaces on the site, as Education focuses on encouraging pupils to walk and get the bus to school.
There will also be a doubling in scooter parking on the site.
At St Sampson’s High School, the site will changed into Victor Hugo College by 2025.
Pupil numbers will increase from 713 to around 1,500. In addition the number of staff on-site, including support staff, is expected to rise from 102 to approximately 180, the planning application report stated.
‘This significant growth is anticipated to have a corresponding increase in multi-model demand on the transport network,’ it stated.
Three two-storey extensions will be built at the back of the school, with covered walkways to act as bridges between the existing building.
The existing internal floor area is 10,440 square metres. The proposed area is 14,050 square metres.
Car parking spaces will be increased from 96 to 140, although no more disabled spaces will be added to the current four available. Motorcycle spaces will jump from 65 to 170, and bicycle spaces will remain at 300.
n The planning application is available to view at Sir Charles Frossard House. However Education has refused to provide any images of what the colleges could look like to the media.