Guernsey Press

Booster Covid vaccinations likely to be offered in autumn

A PROGRAMME of Covid-19 booster jabs will be rolled out from late September or early October, for those who have already received two vaccinations.


The decision was made jointly by Health & Social Care and the Civil Contingencies Authority, in line with interim advice offered by the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation.

It will be a two-stage process. In the initial phase, boosters will be given to those aged 16 or older who are immuno-suppressed, for example those who are HIV positive or undergoing chemotherapy.

Elderly care home residents and anyone aged 70 or more will also be included, along with anyone who is clinically defined as extremely vulnerable and also frontline health and social care workers.

The second phase will include anyone over 50, those in specifically-defined influenza or Covid-19 at-risk groups and anyone living with somebody who is immuno-suppressed.

Director of Public Health Dr Nicola Brink said details about the timings of the boosters were yet to be finalised, but indicated that there was likely to be several months between the second and third jabs.

‘You wouldn’t want to give a booster for some months after the second,’ she said. ‘At least six months or so would be sensible.’

She said the starting date would depend on JCVI advice and availability of the vaccines.

She also advised that any speculation would be premature about whether a fourth jab – or regular doses over a number of years – would be necessary, as virologists do not yet have enough information to determine whether that will be necessary.

Beau Sejour will continue to host the Covid Vaccination Centre, which is also now administering jabs to 16- and 17-year-olds.

CCA chairman Deputy Peter Ferbrache said the facility would probably be needed until the end of the year.

‘It’s been a wonderful facility,’ he said. ‘It’s served us well. I’m grateful to everybody who’s put so much effort into making sure the service that’s been given is first rate.’

According to the latest figures from the States, 86% of the over-18 population have had two jabs.

Dr Brink said she was encouraged that at a recent drop-in clinic, 64% of those who managed to get a slot were in the 16-17 age group.