Venue move works for St Sampson’s parish surgery
ST SAMPSON’S parish surgery attracted a bigger crowd than usual this month as it changed its venue from the douzaine room at Le Murier to the Salvation Army on Nocq Road.
The parish has tried different locations to encourage more parishioners to come to these drop-in events, including al fresco surgeries on the Bridge outside the Mariners’ Inn.
‘We have tried doing al fresco surgeries, which I’m sure we will continue with this summer, and we have other venues we can look at holding them in,’ said dean of the douzaine David Hugo.
‘It’s been pretty good here.
‘We recognise that for some of our parishioners Le Murier is hard to get to, when we do them here or on the Bridge people can park which makes it easier for them.
‘It has worked really well.’
The main concerns that people had at the drop-in was the upkeep of the Bridge.
‘People have been coming today with issues about the tidiness of the Bridge, road signs and traffic lights,’ said junior constable Adrian Dilcock.
‘People have also been talking about gutters that are in bad condition and buddleia growing out of pavements and walls.’
The parish have been running these surgeries for 12 years and hope that it strengthens the relationship between the parishioners and constables and douzeniers.
‘It’s nice that parishioners can just come down here and share their thoughts with us,’ said Mr Hugo.
The parish also advertised the need for floral volunteers at the surgery.
For more information about volunteering with St Sampson’s Floral Group, please contact the douzaine office on 244130.
n The annual spring church and parish meetings for St Sampson's are taking place at Hautes Capelles Primary School, starting at 7.30pm on Wednesday 3 April.
Publication notices in La Gazette Officielle, page 35