Guernsey Press

Bailiwick level three pass rate climbs to 98.4%

Students were celebrating A-level, Baccalaureate and other level three results today, as the Bailiwick pass rate climbed to 98.4%.

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Students at The Guernsey Institute were among those celebrating their A-level, Baccalaureate and other level three results today across the island. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33513495)

The pass rate is still just below the pre-pandemic rate of 99.4%, but is up on the 98% recorded last year – the first fully post-pandemic exam year.

‘It has been a privilege to share in their experience this morning as they opened their results envelopes,’ said Liz Coffey, secondary school partnership executive principal who was at the Sixth Form Centre early in the morning.

‘So many delighted faces, excited about their next steps.’

Among the students there was 18-year-old James King, who was jetting off to the Netherlands for his celebrations.

‘A group of us are actually flying to Amsterdam tonight to celebrate, which is going to be good,’ he said, after revealing his grades for computer science, sociology and biology.

‘I got an A, a B and a C and I am now hoping to get work as an emergency care assistant at St John Guernsey – I have volunteered there for 11 years and so I would like to hopefully change it to a paying job.’

Guernsey is continuing to achieve higher pass rates – grades A*-E and the IB equivalent – than the UK, which this year was 97.1%.

Of the Bailiwick results, 21.5% of entries received an A or A* grade. This was slightly lower than England, which saw 27.6% of entries get A*-As.

There was also a celebratory mood at the three private colleges.

A course in theatre studies at York University is next for Elizabeth College student Harry Snell, 18, but not before he appears in MTG’s production of Carrie next month.

He earned A grades in drama and psychology and a B in English literature.

‘They have a really excellent theatre school there,’ he said.

He would have the opportunity to study all aspects of theatre in York.

‘As much as I like being on stage and performing, I also like being behind the scenes,’ he said.

This year’s results again incorporate both A-levels and IB higher level subject certificates, and complement the school’s IB Diploma results that students received in July.

Technical and vocational students at The Guernsey Institute were also celebrating some great personal achievements.

Education, Sport & Culture president Andrea Dudley-Owen said the students should be proud of their achievements.

‘Level 3 exams always demonstrate the tenaciousness, dedication, and commitment of the islands post-16 students, testing all of the work they have done and knowledge they have accumulated throughout their education careers.’