Guernsey Press

More than 2,800 entries as West Show enjoys another healthy year

Many entrants in the West Show exhibit tents reaped the rewards of their hard work to walk away with rosettes and cash prizes.

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Nico Branquet, 17, and Charis Burgoine, 14, won plenty of prizes with their animals including these two goats. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33511291)

The show received just more than 2,800 entries across all categories, which was slightly down on the more than 3,000 entries in its mammoth 100th show 12 months ago, but still up in comparison to the last few years.

The most popular categories were the photography classes, followed by under-10 crafts and Victoria sandwiches.

Nico Branquet, 17 and Charis Burgoine, 14, came up trumps in the livestock judging, collecting an impressive number of awards.

‘We have four goats, a billy goat and two kids, and our grandpa’s donkeys are outside,’ said Charis.

‘We’ve had quite a lot of awards, best in show, reserve best in show, best Alpine, best kid in show.

‘To get them ready we’ll wash them before and make sure their coats are nice and shiny.’

Emma Dorey and 19-month-old Frances Dorey-Pike, showed Picnic the cow in the cattle category.

‘The cows are owned by my cousin Nick de Garis, but my dad was a farmer, and my grandfather was George Dorey, who was president of this show, so there’s a lot of farming history in my family,’ she said.

‘This isn’t something that I’ve done before but I’ve wanted to for years. I’ve loved doing it and getting the cows ready.’

She will also be in classes with her pony today and had entered some pebbles that Frances had painted.

Over in the main exhibition tent, growers, crafters and bakers were checking up on their results following the judging.

Faye Pedersen received two first prize and highly commended awards for her decorated cake and novelty cake, along with awards for her other baked goods.

‘The liquorice allsorts cakes I made for my brother-in-law’s 50th birthday and it went down so well I had to re-make it for the show,’ she said.

‘Baking is a hobby for me, I just do it for friends and family.

‘I have to see what ideas I come up with first and then see what categories I can enter.’

Eight-year-old Ava Brehaut was pleased with a first prize for her collage.

She received a second prize for five queen cakes with fruit and third prize for plain.

‘I had a bit of help but it feels good to have some prizes,’ she said.