Guernsey Press

Elizabeth College plans to turn its pool into a sports court

Elizabeth College’s outdoor pool could be converted into a sports court, under proposals submitted to planners.

An in-school survey appealing for ideas attracted more than 200 responses. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33987264)

The private school had decided it no longer needs the pool, which is boarded off, and approached architects DLM for ideas for the central site.

An in-school survey appealing for ideas attracted more than 200 responses, and after talking to staff and students it was decided to create a multi-use, covered recreational area for PE lessons and break times.

Principal Jenny Palmer said the college was excited to be turning the redundant swimming pool area into a dynamic and versatile space.

‘Our designs have been carefully developed by DLM Architects, following consultation with staff and students, to ensure the area meets both recreational and educational needs in the most cost-effective way,’ she said.

‘We hope that this exciting project will be funded through our upcoming fundraising campaign, set to launch later this year.’

Keeping the sunken pool will reduce the cost of the work and avoid groundwork.

A flat roof canopy over the court would allow for the installation of solar panels, while a first floor connection to a flexible balcony level would connect it to the Colborne Building.

A new tuck shop would also be created at one end of the pool, with covered seating to form an extension of the existing refectory. The proposals have taken careful designing, as the pool currently has a deep and a shallow end.

‘A suspended floor structure will be placed within the swimming pool to create the base of the court, reducing the potential height of the proposed canopy and in turn creating an amphitheatre-like space with raised viewing galleries to the north and south,’ the architects said in the plans.

‘While the playing area is smaller than a full-sized court, it does allow the instalment of a standard three-point line and free throw circle for basketball and a standard goal circle for netball at both ends – allowing a consistent cross-over with training on full-sized courts.'

The school intends to source rotating and removable basketball and netball hoops to create flexible use of the space.

The western end of the court will be lined with giant stepped seats to form a gradual terrace between the existing bridge and court level. These seats would allow a PE class to be assembled under cover, while also offering the potential for informal box jump exercises.