Guernsey Press

Drop everything and look at this adorable giant panda cub

This is pretty much the only thing you need to see today.


When your Instagram feeds are full to the brim of adorable animals, it’s hard for one to really stand out. However, this baby panda will have absolutely no trouble stealing your heart.

There’s something peculiarly adorable about pandas which means that people just can’t handle the cuteness. Nobody can be blamed – have you seen the baby panda squeaking around her mother?!

The zoo has posted pictures of their newest celeb on Twitter – and you can tell she’s going to be a star. Just look at her working the camera with that smile and a classic over the shoulder pose.

So far, the panda seems to be having a great time in her new home.

The baby girl is yet to be named – Tokyo’s government will soon start crowdsourcing a name – so expect some predictably inane offerings of “Panda McPandaface”.

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