Life really isn't that bad for the motorist here in Guernsey
I READ yet another article which gives the impression the Guernsey Press is acting like the mouth piece of the motor trade. Independent reporting should be balanced not biased one way or another.
I take issue with your headline 'treating motorist like cash cow' from a trade representative body that is looking after its members' interests not the public's interest. There's a distinct difference.
In effect you are sowing the seed in the public's mind that they should react negatively to this news.
I believe more people need to be aware that Guernsey has some of the cheapest motoring in the world in terms of running costs even if fuel costs increase slightly.
Most countries have far higher motor taxes, whether it's import tax which can be up to 100% in some places, VAT or GST, luxury motor tax, annual fuel emissions tax and congestion charge etc.
We don't know how lucky we are in this island.
It's necessary to tax motorists in some way, otherwise how do the States raise tax to pay for improvements to road infrastructure, pavements and a bus service for those that can't afford a car, don't drive or prefer the bus?
We have to get used to different times, the economy is more difficult, the easy days are over. Why should the motorist be treated as king of the roads? It's out of date, all are equal.
In reality what is the alternative where revenue is needed by government. Do they tax the air we breathe?
There has been a huge commotion about reducing the width of two lanes to one lane on the waterfront but so what?
I know the whole appearance and signage needs improving, that much is clear, but I don't have a problem with the idea in principle at all with giving pedestrians some more space, tourists or locals.
It's what some of the better places are doing already, sharing the road space. It's only a small stretch of road after all.
So please, balance the reporting with real news not biased news and can we be a little more positive please.
Life really isn't that bad in Guernsey.
Address withheld.