Guernsey Press

Performance of deputies poor

IS GUERNSEY open for business – or not?


What is apparent to anyone who thinks about it is that we need more skilled people being given long-term housing licences.

Our population is diminishing. This trend must be reversed.

We should relax our housing licence laws for say, five years, and issue more 15-year housing licences.

The immigration department needs to be more efficient. Applications can take up to two months. In Jersey, it is two days. This is unacceptable.


  • Higher earners – meaning more income tax;

  • Help for the ailing building industry;

  • Help for the housing market: in 2007, there were 2,151 property transactions. In the year to date, only 336 transactions and we have already passed the sales peak in the spring. This is worrying;

  • Fewer large corporations sending their work off-island;

  • A boost to all industries in the island.


  • None.

It is not surprising so many people believe the present government is not fit for purpose.

Our deputies cannot even agree on a simple traffic strategy. The new traffic layout along the front is a farce – and an expensive one at that.

Environment have made an error with the new traffic layout, giving little thought to the 'motorists' who are also the 'pedestrians' in Town. People are no longer 'popping' into Town. The cruise ship passengers could be accommodated in some other way. Environment state that the cost has been less than £5,000. What is the total cost across all departments?

PSD keep changing their minds on how the waste strategy (or lack of) is going to work.

Education are still deciding how many schools are needed and if our education system should be changed.

The deputies ask for, then ignore, consultations from the public. How much are we paying to external consultants? The recommendations from The Welsh Audit Office were ignored because the deputies did not like what they read.

The waste of our money is still excessive, when the health service is striving to do its best within budget.

In my view, the 'Enough is Enough' protests are akin to votes of no confidence in our government.

I believe we need island-wide voting as it is the only way to get better quality candidates elected. Because the deputies cannot decide, there should be a referendum on it without delay.

For the first time in living memory, people are starting to say 'perhaps living in the UK is better than here'. This is a direct consequence of the poor performance of our 47 (soon to be 40) deputies. How many of the existing deputies would you willingly put on your payroll? I am afraid the answer says it all.


Sand Dollar,

Les Grands Loriers,


GY3 5HW.

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