States spending sacrifices health
ISN'T it a shame how some people in power can overlook the need of an individual human being in favour of visitors to a country, or in our case an island?
In respect of our own government, the politicians would rather spend thousands of pounds making things look good for visitors to the island who stay a couple of hours (tops) than spend money helping a sick man with medication for his illness or spend (probably half or less) on saving a young boy's leg? Perhaps they should put it to the people on how they would rather have their money spent. I, for one, would prefer any money taken forcefully off of me each week by the government in respect of taxes to go towards helping these people and others in need (and I mean need – not hangers-on) to prolong – or give them quality of – life. After all, surely it is wrong to tax a working person (or a person who has worked all their life) to breaking point than give it to a person who is able to work but refuses to. At the end of the day, it is our money so why do we have to put up with politicians throwing it in all directions we do not want them to?
Seeing the man (on television) who has been refused help for the medication he requires and how depressed he looked – also seeing how the young lad needing help still goes about trying to lead a normal life – when a normal life is available with help seems to touch the hearts of only the people not able to help them. I say to our politicians, use our money to help these people that genuinely need help instead of giving handouts to those who don't. Get yourselves sorted out, for goodness' sake. Open your eyes and cast your interest in what the people want and need instead of being stubborn and refusing what people suggest just to prove you have the power to do so. If you're wrong, admit it – you will get more respect that way.
I know I am not speaking for every individual, and I am not intending to, but I bet I speak for the majority if a vote was cast. Wise up please – and I don't mean just for the run-up to the election and turn on us after. I mean for the whole time you are in office.
5, Rosemount, Mont Arrive,
St Peter Port, GY1 2AF.