Guernsey Press

Outraged by refusal to try to look for job

SOMEBODY capable of working who is in receipt of benefits refusing to work. I am outraged. How dare anyone in that situation refuse to even try?


I have paid contributions to Guernsey for 35 years and while I am happy to help those in genuine need, be it because of illness, short term unemployment or unexpected events, why am I helping to support those who just don't want to work?

The easy answer is to find yourself a job that pays what you think you are worth.

Before I get hammered for that statement let me tell you there are jobs out there if you are determined to get yourself employment, they are just not jobs which people want either because pay is low, hours are inconvenient, the work is hard or just because you don't want to get out of bed and strain yourself.

There are hundreds of people doing menial, soul-destroying, unglamorous jobs who would dearly love to find something better but they do it to avoid benefits, to support their families, to be part of the community and give themselves self esteem and pride.

They do it because it's the right thing to do.

Then there are the others. Those who think this kind of work is beneath them, want to be paid highly skilled rates for having no skills, want to work when and where it suits them and are far more content to keep on taking without ever giving back.

How can it be right to continually take from the system when you have put so little if anything into the system?

I would be willing to bet that Mr Mauger and many, many others have the same luxuries I have like a mobile phone, iPad/computer, widescreen TV, satellite TV and car, but the difference is I have worked for everything I have while supporting you to have the same.

My deductions each month amount to one week's wage so I work for four weeks and get paid for three.

And you think taking part in Work2Benefit scheme is 'slave labour'. It's not, it is taking the opportunity to get back into the work market, to better yourself, showcase your skills and maybe just maybe find yourself full-time employment.

Life is so much more satisfying when you have a purpose, work colleagues to chat with and money in your pocket that you can take pride in.

Try it.

Let the working, tax and social insurance paying people of Guernsey at least having the satisfaction of knowing their contributions are going to assist those in genuine need. We have no problem with that.

Name and address withheld.

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