Guernsey Press

'Old guard' the reason for lack of willing douzeniers and constables

THERE surely cannot be any surprise that the Douzaine are not finding the amount of people needed willing to enter into the role of douzenier or even constable for parishes. I know several people who have been or still are a douzenier and they can't/could not get any changes made for the better of the island (and what is or has been the wishes of the Guernsey person who has elected them into the position of douzenier) in their respective parishes because of the old guard who refuse to be budged on out-of-date things that do not affect them.


Decision-making is what is required and enough of the old fusspots are still around to outvote the new entries and in the end frustrate them into dropping out.

We are a rich island under bad management from the top to the bottom. Why this government at any level bothers to ask the public what they think is right or wrong is a total joke (no it is beyond that) because no notice is taken at all. No matter what the people say this island's government will take in more people at the expense of the locals – they will continue to take off the poor to pay the rich. They are a complete uncaring – and not interested – bunch of people. They are very happy to stop pensions continuing to be paid to a spouse after the male dies in the family. They are happy to cap the tax because it affects them. They are happy to be in office for four years and drop-out with a large pension payout of nothing like the mean pension they are prepared to pay the working class retired labourer – and as I say, take away at the first opportunity. They are (in my opinion, and I don't care who does not like it) a selfish load of hypocrites. Overpaid non- politicians who think they are politicians and play at doing the job. Trouble is, they play it very badly.


5, Rosemount,

Mont Arrive,

St Peter Port,

GY1 2AF.

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