Guernsey Press

Get Longue Hougue 'right' and recycling rates may rise

AFTER reading the PSD's waste prevention and recycling officer's comments in response to a letter in the Press of 27 November, I am shocked. (Open Lines, 'New Longue Hougue recycling policy ''farcical'' in comparison to previous one'). I cannot understand how the recycling officer completely fails to grasp the basic concept of recycling. But I'll come back to the topic of Longue Hougue in a moment.


First the topic of household waste. Despite shouting about how much the recycling rate has 'increased significantly' (PSD's words, not mine) over the last however many years, let me quote some figures for everyone.

In 2011, the recycling rate for household waste was 46.4%, so already pretty good, well done everyone. In 2012, this had increased to 46.8%. In 2013, 46.9% and finally last year the recycling rate for household waste was 49.1%.

So, since the introduction of kerbside recycling the recycling rate has increased by 2.2%. Yes, a bigger increase than previous years but significant, no.

From studying waste management at university, I would class the majority of items taken to Longue Hougue as household waste – after all, it is a household waste recycling facility. A place where you can go to get paint, a bicycle bell, an iron, a plant pot and a whole rainbow of items you may need. Not any more. This wonderful magical world of recycling and reusing items has been annihilated.

I'll give you some credit recycling officers, I can see what you are trying to do, but you just keep making the whole situation worse and worse.

Get Longue Hougue right, monitor it efficiently and that recycling rate may just have a more 'significant' increase.



Editor's footnote: Waste prevention and recycling officer Shelley Nicholls responds: 'Your correspondent makes two very important points which we would want to reiterate. The first is that the island has an excellent record for recycling and we should be proud of that fact. The second is that for the last few years, prior to the launch of kerbside collections, the rate had been largely static. Between 2011 and 2013, it increased barely half a percent in three years.

In the first year of kerbside collections, we saw a much more significant increase. This year we reached 50% for the first time ever but we still aspire to higher than that.

Your correspondent thinks we should not get too carried away, and given where we want to get to, that view is understandable. However, this achievement is down to the efforts of islanders, so it is right to acknowledge it and be positive about it, even if it is still early days.

In terms of Longue Hougue, as we explained previously, the recent changes are in response to feedback from site users and staff. The same 'rainbow of items' that were available in the past are still being put out for others to take away – so there is nothing there that will impact negatively on the recycling rate.

However, the atmosphere in the past could sometimes put some people off visiting. The recent changes should address that and hopefully more islanders will make regular use of the site – whether to drop off items for reuse or recycling. That, we believe, can make a positive contribution.'

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