Guernsey Press

Ferry safety video gets a bad rap

SHOULD Condor have called their new ship the 'Liability' instead of the 'Liberation'? Judging by the weight and range of complaint about it, maybe. Strangely, I have already managed to journey on it six times without event.


However, during each journey I have made thus far, I have found a major source of annoyance in the 'go compare league', and that is really saying something. What could the Condor management have possibly been thinking when they commissioned a safety video that includes staff members posing to 'rap'? It is so damn tacky, I find it unbearable to watch and listen to more than once and you cannot even get away from it by sitting in the toilet. But, put me in any locked room with this little number playing and after about the 10th rendition I would divulge any secret, the recipe for Coca Cola, even next year's Grand National winner if I knew it, anything, but please please make it stop.

I would not be surprised if this terrible cheese was really meant for Guantanamo Bay. Was it intended as one of the softening-up procedures applied just before water-boarding? What about Condor's staff? Do they get paid a hardship allowance for having to listen to it over and over? And the poor ship, is it any wonder that it keeps going wrong with the malevolent vibration caused by this awful piece.

I am aware strangely that some people actually consider 'rap' as being like music, but, for everyone that does, at least a 1,000 of us do not. Was not rap invented by graffiti artists wearing shell suits to hide the splashes? I thought rap died about 20 years ago. Currently rap is about as cool as a Gary Glitter Christmas number.

Did Condor actually pay money to have this piece made? I can only think that they have been robbed – or, if you like, Condor it seems has become the victim of a modern act of piracy.


Apartment D,

St Georges Esplanade,

St Peter Port, GY1 2BJ.

Editor's footnote: Helen Day, corporate communications manager, Condor Ferries responds: I am pleased that your reader has enjoyed many smooth crossings on Condor Liberation and would like to thank them for taking the time to share their positive experience.

I am, however, sorry that your reader does not like the Safety Rap that is played before every sailing. We do realise that it is not everyone's cup of tea, however the video has received more than 127,000 YouTube views since it was launched in March with over three times as many people liking it rather than disliking it. We have also received many positive comments from passengers who inform us how much they enjoy the rap.

The safety rap was designed to capture the attention of our passengers in order to help them remember the important safety information that it contains. The result is a video that is both fun and informative and there is no doubt that its overall effect has been wholly beneficial.

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