Guernsey Press

Warwick targets sub-28 before the season is out

DARREN WARWICK may have once again left the field behind at Monday's Bank Holiday Hill Climb, but he is confident of breaking another elusive barrier this year.


DARREN WARWICK may have once again left the field behind at Monday's Bank Holiday Hill Climb, but he is confident of breaking another elusive barrier this year.

In his one timed run for the day, Warwick recorded a blistering 28.85sec. – some way short of his own personal best of 28.30, but still too quick for the competition.

Indeed, he remains the only local driver to have gone 'sub-29', having got his time in before the elements ensured a wet afternoon at Le Val des Terres and a number of drivers opting to sit it out.

But despite his dominance, he believes that a previously inconceivable 'sub-28' time is a possibility by the time the local season is out.

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