NEW VIDEO: Condor Liberation damaged while docking in St Peter Port
CONDOR Liberation is out of service after hitting the quay today during just her third visit to Guernsey.

She had failed to dock in the most easterly berth after high winds blew her away from the quay.
The Liberation then came in to try on the other side, but a loud bang signaled problems as she was maneuvering back to the ramp.
Crew immediately looked to see what damage had been caused.
Disembarking passengers later stopped to grab pictures.
Condor Liberation was about 20 minutes late coming into St Peter Port from Poole with passengers reporting people being sick in the rough conditions.
Condor has cancelled the rest of today's scheduled sailings for repairs to what it has described as minor damage.
It is the new vessel's second day in service.
Sunday's sailing was cancelled on Friday because of the weather conditions.