Unreserved apology offered after online details for Alderney politician are removed hours after his death
AN 'UNRESERVED apology' has been offered by the States after Paul Arditti's name was dropped from an online list of politicians just hours after he died.

Deputy greffier Adrian Nicolle, who holds responsibility for the online document, said that in hindsight the removal of the Alderney representative's details had been too hasty.
Instead of Mr Arditti's usual particulars, the document simply read: 'Vacant (was Arditti)'.
It has now been changed to: (the late E. Paul Arditti).
'I offer an unreserved apology to the family and widow if they took any offence from it,' he said. 'It was meant with the best intentions.'
Mr Nicolle removed Mr Arditti and his contact details from the list, he explained, to prevent people who were unaware of his passing from inadvertently contacting his family.
He added that the fact Mr Arditti had been the first States member to die in office, combined with modern instant access to online information, meant there was no procedure in place to deal with such a situation.
'It was a judgement call and I accept in hindsight it was too quick,' Mr Nicolle said yesterday.
Deputy Barry Brehaut said the change to the list on the day of Mr Arditti's death had been 'entirely inappropriate'.