Film enthusiasts would welcome return of Beau Sejour cinema
AN INDEPENDENT film organisation has welcomed plans for a cinema to return to Beau Sejour.
It comes after Culture and Leisure announced on Tuesday that it was looking at reinstating the 400-seat movie theatre in response to popular demand.
The department has gone out to tender to try to find an operator to start a three-year contract around 1 July.
CineGuernsey chairwoman Merewyn Hartley said it would be a great opportunity if Beau Sejour was to show independent films.
The voluntary and non-profit organisation currently offers islanders the opportunity to enjoy classic, foreign and contemporary films that are not available for public viewing elsewhere on the island.
'We show a film once a month at the Frossard Theatre. It's fine but not ideal, so to have a "proper" cinema with a regular audience would be brilliant,' she said.